Job Crafting

Welcome to our job crafting exercise!

The goal of this exercise is to learn you a technique on how to shape your job. The goal? To make your job more energizing and to provide a better fit with you as a person and your goals. This exercise guides you to take proactive steps and actions to redesign what you do at work, by changing tasks, perceptions, your context, and relationships. The main goal is to stay in the same job, but getting more meaning and energy out of it.

In this module we learn you:

  • how to analyze your job,
  • how to analyze your strengths,
  • how to get insights into what gives you energy,
  • finally, we conclude all this in your job crafting plan.

During this module, we show video’s on how these steps work, which you can do yourself. We also provide theoretical background so you understand how this works. This was you can adapt these exercises into different contexts and different jobs. The goal is to make your current job more energizing, but also to learn you a skill you can use in your future career.​

Every module consists of some (theoretical) information and some exercises. However, not everyone likes every exercise to the same degree. Feel free to choose which exercise you think will help you the most. There are different ways to make the exercises.

Important: We have made a worksheet with all the different exercises and their templates we use during the workshop. You can download it here: Jobcrafting booklet and fill it in when you do the exercises. The easiest way to do the exercise is to print it, but you can also use it on your computer or just draw it on a piece of paper. We advise you to write the answers down since this has a positive effect on the transfer. 


Good luck!

Start to Job Craft

Introduction to Job Crafting
Excercise 1: Task Analysis
Excercise 2: Your Personal Energy Graph

From Theory to You

The Theory about Job Crafting
Excercise 3: Your personal profile

Your Job Crafting Plan

Excerise 4: A Rough Job Crafting Plan
Job Crafting: The Possibilities
Excercise 5: Finalizing your Job Crafting Plan

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Enrolled: 5 students
Duration: 2 hours
Lectures: 11
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