Distraction and productivity

Increase your productivity

We give you some ideas to increase your productivity, but be aware that these are not the only ones. First, think for yourself about what can increase your productivity.

Manage your energy level
You’ve probably noticed you’re better at certain tasks at certain times. When do you have the most energy: in the morning? Afternoon? Or evening? For each task, determine how much energy it gives you or costs you. In the workbook, you will find a handy template for this.

Make your planning in advance
Take a few minutes every evening to organize your to-do list for tomorrow and ask yourself the following question: “Which task do I schedule at a time when I have a lot or little energy?”. It only takes 10 minutes and it will ensure better results! Again, you will find a template for this in the workbook.

Open your mailbox afternoon
If your work doesn’t require you to open your mailbox every morning, postpone it until the afternoon. Use the morning to do what’s important instead of responding to emails that can wait a few hours. Do you still benefit more from opening your mailbox in the morning? That’s definitely okay. Just make sure you don’t spend too much time on this.

Turn your phone off or put it away
This makes you feel less urge to respond to messages from friends.

Sit up straight
When you sit hunched over, your chest is in a collapsed position and it presses your diaphragm against the bottom of your lungs. This impedes your ability to breathe easily and deeply. Sit or stand up straight. In this way, your brain gets more oxygen which increases your concentration.

Develop a routine to start your day
It can be anything – a glass of water, meditation, exercise, … This little routine gives your brain the signal that it is time to go into work mode. It helps you get more motivated!

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