
What is happiness?

What makes you happy? What does happiness mean to you? Think about it and write it down in the workbook or on a sheet of paper.

Usually, you know what happiness is and whether you are happy, but it is hard to define. Sonja Lyubomirsky, professor of positive psychology describes happiness as the experience of joy, contentment or positive well-being, combined with the feeling that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.

You’ve just written down what happiness means to you. Now take a moment to think about what would make you happier. We offer some tips for inspiration:

Note: Sometimes, you tend to look for happiness in the wrong place. What you believe would make a huge difference in your life may actually make only a small difference. You often overlook the true sources of personal happiness and well-being. In the following pages, we provide more information on happiness and give some tips on how to take the first steps towards an (even) happier life!

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